Thursday 27 June 2013


Well guys i have finished my assignments I just need to write an evaluation on it which i am doing right now when i started this assignment i started taking pictures with a SLR camera i thought that the course is going to be easy so i carried on taking photos and after a 2 months Richard gave us a task to do for writing well as usual which everyone knows that i am a slow writer i took time on it when Richard gave us another task at the time when i was doing my first one before that then i though that the assignment is not going to be really easy so i started to do my work as fast as i can until eventually I did it i caught up with the tasks and i stated to do my work before the deadlines the thing that i hate about this is the loosing of the work which is on line through blogger i still lose it but sometimes i can get it recovered or i have to do it all over again when i am doing that in the process i am telling my self to keep the blogger tidy after i am done, but when ever i am done with it it slips out of my mind and i forget about it and when ever i do some work on blogger this happens every time so i just ignore this situation but anyway i had my ups and downs in the course i try to finish my course in time when i was doing my work i was thinking that i would be able to pass it but i have been told to aim for a merit or you will not be able to pass this course and go to level three so i put my head down after that in class even at home. For the parts which where long like the the essays of conflict and photography is art i did those at home to save time for class and do the easy work like editing and writing about how i edited the photo and searching for photographers and writing about them and comparing my work with there work so basically that actually saved me allot of time to print off and hand in my work. For my other parts of my work i am not sure if i can get get a distinction with those work but i am sure that i will get a merit with that work because the work is detailed what i mean by that is that in the work it talks about everything in it. Now i have to try and put as much as details in my work as possible for me so i can get a higher mark i was trying to aim for a merit but i have been told to aim for a higher mark for distinction so i tried hard but i could not think of anything and from where i think i will only get a merit in this course                        

Friday 14 June 2013

experimental photography HDRI


This is a photo of a logo on an Audi R8 petrol gauge cover when i was taking the photo i was making sure that the picture does not get messed trust me it messed up in the first shot i was angry when that happened i was setting the the camera to make the shot better it got better what a relief i though it was never going to get fixed but then i got over it and the shot was done and then i carried on what i see in the picture is sharpness more brightness the picture has alot of light in it it is sick how it is been taken to. The thing that i likes about this photo is the quality of it this is the photo that has the best in it well as how some people would say it it is sick although it was a blast when i went to take the pictures of all the cars and i even had some people come with me as well. The thing that i hate about this photo is when i was editing it trying to get rid of the extra bits in it because it was ruining the photo i had bits of problems with it i had to make sure i get the right colour to get rid of the  parts that i don't want i had to use the brush tool which was obvioslly on the left to give it the right colour i had to use the eyedrop tool and then use the brush tool to colour it in in the right places and you can see the results in it how illusionised it is you can't even tell if it is editted.      

in this photo you can see that it is a back of an Audi R8 when i was taking the photo i was making sure that the other car does not come in the photo but when i took the photo i lost balance and did not notice that the car has came in the photo so i carried on with it anyway and then when i came back to college in was really angry when i saw that the car was there so i was going to photo shop it out but i forget about it. The thing that i like about about the photo is the quality how the picture is bright and it is standing out it is my favourite picture i was thinking of putting it in my room as well but unfortunately i cannot print it out at my house. The thing that i hate about this photo is the fact that you cannot get rid of the light on the left but i had to carry on with it and in the photo i had to fix the photos light of it but when i do it to much it gets to bright from the left so i had to keep it normal. The reason why i choose this photo is because the photo was the only one that was able to get Photoshoped and turned into HDRfor this photo i had to make sure that i did not ruin it so i used the exposure level in photoshop to get rid of the light on the right but it got rid of the light to much so i put it back to normal so it did not work and for the sharpness i could'nt find the options for that but i did find the options for sharpening the picture which made it look even more ridiculus so i had to put it back to normal.     

the reason why i choose this photo is because this was the only picture that was standing out from the others so i choose this photo and put it in the third position the reason why i put this in the third position is because i wanted this picture to be there and not anywhere else well as you can see that i am getting allot of progress in this assignment i was going to finish my work before but i could not get time so i did it now well wish me best of luck. The thing that i like about the photo is the brightness on this photo it is really good i tried to keep the brightness of the photo low so it does not get over exposed well as you can see the result it blew me away as well when i saw it to. The thing that i hate about this photo is the light  because of it yeah the cars tire kept coming low in light so i had to use this picture in HDR. The tools that i used in this photo is the levels tool to give it a little light an Unsharp tool to make turn it in to HDR as you can see the results are good but unfourtunatley i could not get rid of the light in the photo i tried everything i can so i can get a good photo but i could not.          

the reason why i choose this picture is because it stands out it is individual and in it there is allot of details you probably be thinking right now that why i put it in the last position there is a reason for that, well i did that because you know how allot of people say save the best for last some of you probably got it by now and some of you don't so that is why i am going to explain it to you now i have choose this picture last because i think it is the best one and i think i should put it in the last position well what would you expect i can't do better then this..The reason why i like this photo is because of the quality it is the best one out of all of them and you can see every detail in it and it is clear the reason why i said looks is because i like these kinds of pictures i like how the picture has meaning to it is better than the others. The tools that i used to make this picture look like this are the levels tool to make the picture stand out so we can see it properly the Unsharp tool so it can get the HDR effect in it so it would be a good photo the result well you can see it for yourself what the results are in this photo i did not need to get rid of the light it got dim a bit on that day and i got a really good photo to thanks to the light. 

i have finally finished my assignment i hope i get the best out of my tutor wish me best of luck     

Thursday 6 June 2013

contextual influence

Freedom is like a friend a lot of people are free even god gave free will to people he does not control people he only judges what people do with their life and gives them punishment in the world for what they deserve a lot of people do not care if that happens so what I was saying about freedom when someone does something no one can stop them from doing it they can do anything they want no one can control anyone to do something but you can control yourself or stop yourself from doing something bad or good.
When someone is trying to have a fight with you then you have freedom of not fighting him or you can hit him if you want which is freedom when you are getting married and you want to get married to someone else you like then you have the freedom of telling your parents that they want to they have the freedom of it if you want hallal food and you are in a prison you have the freedom of it to ask for it they will have to give you hallal food if they don't then they are going against your right of freedom
You have the freedom of going outside and doing anything going anywhere you want you can you can go to the shop without someone stopping you no one can control how you think you can think whatever you want you can buy anything you want without anyone’s concern no one can stop you from buying anything you have the freedom of buying anything you are free from everything you will not be stopped from anything you will not be stopped from going to the other side of the bridge you are free from everything.
What i think about freedom is that if we did not have freedom then it would be like the world war back in the days I am glad that we have freedom from everything because we would have been stopped from everything then the world could have been a different place without freedom we would not even have confidence in us there would have been less people having to go outside and there would have been war as well without freedom  people won’t be able to stand up for their rights if there was not any freedom  these are the good facts about freedom
The bad fact about freedom is that a lot of old people have been suffering because children have been given  the freedom to do anything they want and other children who are not strong enough from the inside they get bullied because of it but whenever they try to do something it does not get further from there and it gets worst it is same for the girls as well the ones which do not have confidence get bullied as well and the same situations is with them they don’t get listened to either  so some people are taking advantage of freedom and they use it against other people