Wednesday 21 November 2012

Bloody saturday

bloody saturday

I am going to talk about the objective, subjective and context of the image of bloody saturday above:- 

Objective: Debris from the collapsed bridge, crying baby on the train track, Desolated area,wrecked train track. Garbage on the floor everywhere which could harm the baby or give him infection

Subjective: i think that it is sad how the baby is just sitting there and nobody cares about it and the baby has burn marks on it and the baby feels alone.

Context: it is a sad photo where the baby is just sitting there and all they care about is the war and not any thing else they just want to conquer the country and i think that you lot would be thinking the same to and don't care about the baby and just thinking all sorts of stuff like killing the baby and tourchouring it although some of you are thinking to keep it safe and putting it in shelter and moving the baby from there   

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