Wednesday 21 November 2012

Bloody saturday

bloody saturday

I am going to talk about the objective, subjective and context of the image of bloody saturday above:- 

Objective: Debris from the collapsed bridge, crying baby on the train track, Desolated area,wrecked train track. Garbage on the floor everywhere which could harm the baby or give him infection

Subjective: i think that it is sad how the baby is just sitting there and nobody cares about it and the baby has burn marks on it and the baby feels alone.

Context: it is a sad photo where the baby is just sitting there and all they care about is the war and not any thing else they just want to conquer the country and i think that you lot would be thinking the same to and don't care about the baby and just thinking all sorts of stuff like killing the baby and tourchouring it although some of you are thinking to keep it safe and putting it in shelter and moving the baby from there   

the difference between abstract and representational art

test your learning

1. what are the difference between representable and abstract art/photography?

The difference between abstract art/photography and representable art is that representable photography is an art that has meaning to it like a family photo or a passport photo and an abstract photo has no meaning to it you wont be able to tell what is in the photo 

2. what might abstract photograph be good for? 

abstract art an be good for attracting the persons attention to lead him somewhere the painting e.g. shops, painting studio e.c.t. and making them ask questions about the photo

the pictures that i choose

i choose this image because 50 cent is my favourite action hero and that is why i choose him first he is from my favorite action game 50 cent bulletproof this was the first game i played ever it has the actual players in the game but the game is not real i have learned a lot of things from this game the story has a twist in it  
i choose this image because i love these kind of poses and i like the mask he is wearing and the designs on its skin this is a action game that i love al though i have not played it yet but i have played the demo of it i like shooting games as well the first place i saw this game when i was going to college i saw the poster of this game i thought to my self that this game will be interesting so i asked around in game shops so they told me about the demo i tried the demo i liked it and then i thought of buying it but did not have the money

i choose this image because i liked this game and the player is strong and then i thought that this is good for recreating its a good pose the reason why i like this game is because i sets a good example of bullying the story of the game is good as well i even learned a lot from this i have got a lot of confidence from this game to 
the reason i choose this is because karate is good for fights and it is my favourite pose. this game has a past most physics from every game I have learned a lot from it it has a good story in it the story of the game is very interesting it is almost familiar to the actual path of neo story i have seen a lot of stuff while i was playing it it is a long game but it is a good after a while you will get bored. 

the reason i choose this photo is because it is iconic and the best pose for an ammeter plus this is a pose from a game when i first found out that this game is coming out i was really exited i thought to myself that it is going to be really good game i went to play the demo of it it was good but when i went to buy it it was to expensive so i carried on 

 i choose this image for an iconic because boxing makes you fit and it is a good sports i love doing boxing as well. boxing is my favourite sport i do it is my passion doing boxing i learnt boxing when i was 15 I started doing it then i did it for 3 months then i left it because i could not go there any more. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Taste of Digbeth

Taste of Digbeth
This is me talking about the taste of Digbeth i am going to talk about the subjective objective and the context 

Subjective: I took this picture from a far angle and in a normal shutter speed and kept the aperture close to the middle which is 1/8. When i took the picture i was thinking what should i do with the picture and thought that i needed a title picture for the area so i thought i think  should i use this for a area title.

Objective: in the picture there is a National express sign i can see a coach station roof inside behind the national express sign and the door just under the sign.

Context: a few of my friends think that the photo is good and the way i took it is really good
Subjective: I took this picture from a really far angle and used f5 of the shutter speed on the camera. when i was taking this picture i thought of a really long picture of the Selfridges but eventually the picture got ruined and i had to take another with a far zoom level

Objective: in the picture you can see the Selfridges and you can see a lot of shops on the way of the picture and you can see the college as well 

Context: some people think that this photo is alright but some people agree with me that the photo is not really what they expected
Subjective: I took this picture when i was in the custard factory and tried to keep the shutter speed and the aperture normal because it could go blury if the shutter speed goes down and the photo wold not be clear if the aperture went down. W hen i took this picture i though of getting the picture straight and illusionist so that the person who looks at it won't bee able to tell where it has been taken.

Objective: In the picture i can see a dragon on the wall and i can see windows on the left side

Context: Some people could find out where this picture was taken and some people said that the picture is not taken right the picture should have been taken from the side

Subjective: I took this picture when a bus was leaving the station i took it when it stopped. i think that this picture is good and the way it has been even taken i like how you can see the driver in the bus and the windows on the other side where it shows that how the brightness has been changed while the picture was taken 

Objective: in the picture the driver is in the bus driving it he looks really busy and the colour of the bus is golden yellow and the headlight is really small and there is a car standing behind the bus switched off .

Context: other people thought that it is a good picture and the picture will be good for your title of the area.

Subjective: when i took this picture i was thinking that you can make a movie here and use these crushed cars to make different types of technology like a phone or probably a new car e.c.t.

Objective : i see crushed cars in the picture and can see a parking P sign on the right and see cars on the left.

Context: other people thought that you cannot create any technology with it but you can create household devices with it but some people did not agree with this they said you can create technology with these crushed cars.

Subjective: when i took this photo i thought of the bridge near my house that they look so familiar 

Objective: i see a bridge in the photo a scrap box before the bridge and a few cars under the bridges and a few houses in between 

Context: other people thought that this is the best picture i took from the others and thought that i should  use it as a wallpaper